Tutor Intelligent Systems
graduate course, Heidelberg University, Chair of Automation, 2018
This course was part of the specialisation “Intelligent Autonomous Systems” and consistet of a lecture as well as a tutorial and weekly exercise sheets which the students had to complete. My Job as tutor included answering the students questions about the lecture as well as designing and correting the exercise sheets. The tutorials where also used as a place to look to the horizon and discuss and design applications of the lecture topics. These included:
Fuzzy sets and fuzzy control
- Definitions, operations and relations with fuzzy sets
- Linguistic modelling of dynamic systems
- Linguistic system analysis and control
Artificial Neural Networks
- Introduction, motivation and definitions
- Modelling of neural networks
- Processing artificial neural networks
- Application of artificial neural networks in control systems
Game Theory
- Introduction (motivation, definitions, description of a game)
- Strategic games and extensive games
- Differential games
- Application of game theory in control systems